Tired Walls
One of the biggest health concerns with wet basements: mold. Mold thrives in areas where it is consistently damp.

Basement Flooding
The Production Team had a quite the time trying to get the job done because water was literally pouring into the basement during construction.

Closer view of basement flooding
This is a close up view of the flooding that caused so much damage in this home's basement.

The "Backbone"
With the interior waterproofing system, WaterGuard is placed along the perimeter of the basement, which allows water to flow towards the sump pump and out of the home

WaterGuard System
With the interior waterproofing system, WaterGuard is placed along the perimeter of the basement, which allows water to flow towards the sump pump and out of the home.

Path to the Sump Pump
The WaterGuard system helps the water that was previously flooding this basement to travel towards the enclosed sump pump, and out of the house.

Fully installed WaterGuard System & Sump Pump
Once the system is fully installed, the Production Team cover the system with cement, so that the basement floor is back to its original state.

Fully installed WaterGuard System
Once the system is fully installed, the Production Team covers the WaterGuard system with cement, so that the basement floor is back to its original state.

Another view of installed WaterGuard System
This is another view of a fully installed WaterGuard System covered with cement. It'll look like our production team was never there!